Monday, January 07, 2008

Quotes from favorite TV Shows...

I also have Facebook and they have fan pages with quotes and trivia...thought I would share some favs of mine...

Gilmore Girls
Rory: Hey, who are the rosary beads for?
Lorelai: They're mine.
Rory: What do you need rosary beads for?
Lorelai: They're cute.
Rory: They're for prayer.
Lorelai: Well, pray they match my blue suit?
Rory: They have just upgraded you to a queen-size bed, Jacuzzi tub, junior suite in hell!

7th Heaven
Matt: What's wrong with Luce?
Mary: God hates her.
Matt: Still? You'd think after 13 years he'd move on to someone else.”

Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: "O,o on the table keep me draped, too many people have seen me naked already. I'd like to keep whatever dignity i have left. McSteamy, MCSTEAMY! Whohu!"
Mark: "O, so thats what your callen me now, McSteamy."
Meredith: "Yeaaa, but i don't think your suppose to know that!"
Mark: "Hows my favorite dirty mistress?"
Meredith: "Haven't you herd now, Im an adulterous whore."

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hey...where's your Tuesday entry?? I need my daily blog read fixes you know. ;-)