Friday, June 16, 2006

Dateline with Britney Spears

Ok, so I watched the Dateline interview with Brittney Spears last night (hiding head in shame). Call me a sucker, but I feel bad for Brittney Spears. Everyone keeps saying that she’s a bad mom because of driving away with the baby in her lap…the baby falling out of the high chair and a few other assorted problems. I’m not excusing her or saying she was right, but I don’t think it’s right just to point out one person’s parenting flaws…especially when it seems like the paparazzi are “stalking” her. I’ve counted several times in which I see parents driving around with their kids either in the front seat of the car, in their laps…or they aren’t safely buckled in…where are the cameras on those idiots?
Ugh…I hate paparazzi…you would have thought they learned their lesson after the death of Princess Di, but I guess that didn’t happen.

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