Friday, March 07, 2008

Our family is growing by two feet!!

Yes, you read that correctly! DH and I are expecting our first baby, due October 11th! This wasn't quite planned, but not yet a surprise either. We haven't been preventing for awhile and all of our tests were coming back with no problems, yet month after month...nothing.

I'm excited, thrilled, nervous and freaked out all in one. We had our first ultrasound earlier this week and got to see baby!! Heartbeat is 154 and so far everything looks good! Our parents are all estatic! I'm feeling ok...just really run down and a little queasy from time to time. I've learned that if I stay ahead of it by eating, I'm better. Since I was on Weight Watchers before, I'm going to do my best to keep eating as healthy as I can. Of course, I'll give into my splurges every once in awhile!

1 comment:

Jess said...

You know I'm sooo happy for you! Take it easy and congrats again! Hope everything goes smoothly for you. I'm betting you're having a boy!