Wednesday, February 27, 2008


True Things
John 7:14-31, 37-39

Quinn G. Caldwell

Some things never change. Enter a group of people, say a true thing about God, and the same thing will always happen: some of the people will call you good, and the rest will think you're crazy, or will want to kill you, or both. It happened to Jesus, too: in Jerusalem for the Festival of Booths, in the middle of a crowd, in the Temple itself, Jesus began to say true things about God and about himself. Some believed him; others wanted him dead. Eventually, the latter group would win. For a while.

These days, speaking truth about God may not get you killed, but it sure will earn you some funny looks. In some crowds, they call you names like "religious fanatic," "Jesus freak," "ignorant." In others, saying true things gets you called "heretic," "unbeliever," "sinner." But as in Jesus' time, in every crowd--in every crowd--there will be those for whom your words will be like living water. Those who have been waiting for a long, parched time. Those for whom the things you say will be cool, and clear, and will go down like a long swig of salvation.

Some things never change: true things about God are always dangerous. Saying them is not easy. It will almost always get you in trouble. And the world is full of thirsty people.

Prayer: God, give me the vision and the courage to say true things about you wherever I go. Amen

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