Wednesday, January 02, 2008

100 Things About me...Part 1

Items 1-20
1) I was born in 1977.
2) I started playing piano when I was 6 years old, I had to be just like my big sister. LOL
3) I broke my collar bone when I was 3 years old...fell down my grandparent's stairs...parents did not notice right away.
4) In 7th grade, got my hair cut REALLY short (too short for my liking) and was called Doogie Hoswer all year :-(
5) Started playing flute in the 5th grade ( and still play on occasion)
6) Changed my major the summer before my senior year in college and still managed to graduate in 4 years.
7) Although DH and I only dated 10 months before getting engaged, we'd known each other since 7th grade.  Went to junior high and high school together and were in band all those years.  Our senior year, we hung out together for a day while @ Disney.  Everyone thought that we were dating (which was MAJOR drama because I had a boyfriend back home...LOL). 
8) We were married on the same day as my great-grandparents.  Gma's parents were married on September 9, 1916.  We didn't know this until we set the date.
9) Wanted to be a nurse and art teacher when I was in kindegarten.  Problem now is that I faint at the sight of blood and I can't draw worth a crap.
10) Started gymnastics when I was 7...secretly wished I would have kept going once we moved.
11) Found a $20 bill in a McDonald's bathroom when I was 12.  We were on our way out of town and I stopped in the bathroom before my left.  Looked down and saw it...yea, I took it! :)
12) Belong to a wonderful church family that is open and affirming.  We have several same sex couples and a few members that are transgender.  Although it was something new and different to get used to, they are all awesome people and I enjoy worshipping with them!
13)  In college, was in a service fraternity (Alpha Phil Omega) and a music sorority (Sigma Alpha Iota).  My sister also was a member of SAI at northwestern.
14)  Would run away with Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney in a HEARTBEAT if they ever came to my door.  OMG, what I would do with those boys. :-)   And yes, Bill is aware of my love for
15) Secretly wish that I could have been a cheerleader and an ice-skater.
16) I very badly want to be thinner and healthier.
17) I love to work on my scrapbooks.  I started 5 years ago, and I am hooked!  
18) My sophomore year in high school, our band got to play for President Bush (the father).  It was the year of the election ('92) and he was coming to the headquarters of Motorola (which is in Schaumburg).  We are the only high school in Schaumburg, so we were asked to play for his visit!  IT was SOOOOOOOO cool!  The secret service dogs had to inspect all of our instruments and we really had to be on our best behavior. LOL
He ended up loosing the election that year to Clinton.  Our principal said his not getting into office had nothing to do with our playing! LOL Smart ass...

19) I play in our handbell choir, play flute, played oboe and enjoy singing in the church choir.

20) I am the Sunday School Coordinator at my church in Streamwood.  

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