Sunday, January 01, 2006

2005: A Year in Review

1. Did you have a new year's resolution this year? To become a mom...still working on that one... here's to 2006!
2. Who kissed you at midnight? My husband and then I think we were both asleep by
3. Did it snow where you live? Yea, it did...welcome to winter in the midwest!
4. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? No, but that is one thing I would love to experience once in my life!

1. Who was your valentine? Bill
2. What did your valentine get you? LOL I can't remember...probably scrapbook stuff!
3. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class? Yes!!

1. Are you Irish? Nope
2. Did you wear green on St. Patty's Day? don't think so
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day? Nothing much

1. Do you like the rain? No, it tends to bring me down!
2. Did you play an April Fool's joke on anyone this year? No
3. Did you get tons of candy on Easter? No just what candy mom had! lol

1. What's your favorite kind of flower? Any that are given to me! (nice idea Sarah)
2. Do you like the spring? Yes!!
3. Finish the phrase: "April showers bring...": mayflowers..and mayflowers bring...Prom!! (old joke from my sister's friend)
4. What would you think of as a spring color?: all the pastel colors!

1. What year did you graduate from school?: Class of '95...I'm old!
2. Did you go on any vacations last June?: No

1. What did you do on the 4th of July? Went down to Peoria and spent it with family.
2. Did you go on any vacations during this month?: If you count Peoria as a vacation...than yes!

1. Did you do anything special to end off your summer? Not really...enjoyed a visit with our good friends from out of town
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '05? don't really know of one
3. Did you go swimming a lot in the summer? Not alot...a few times at the inlaws pool and at our family reunion.
4. Did you go to the beach a lot? Nope

1. Did you attend school/college in '05? No
2. Who is/was your favorite teacher? Mrs. Bethurem in junior high
3. Did you like fall better than summer? Yes, fall & spring are my favorite seasons

1. What was your favorite Halloween costume ever? I can't remember.
2. What's your favorite candy? Peanut Butter cups :-)
3. What did you dress up like this year? Nothing

1. Whose house did you go to for Thanksgiving? My inlaws
2. Do you like stuffing? Yes!!!! One of my favorites!
3. What are you thankful for? My family and friends

1. Do you celebrate Christmas? You bet!!!
2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? Of course!! ;-)
3. What did you want this year for Christmas? Living Room furniture...didn't get.
4. What's the best present you ever got for Christmas? My new photo printer this year!
5. Do you like cold weather? Not *TOO* cold...the below zero temps...NO!
6. How would you rate your year on a scale of 1-10? 5 - It's been a rough year with losing a job and a sick husband as well as some extended family problems so I'm hoping for an easier year! i'm soooooooooooooo ready to close the doors on 2005!

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